Wednesday, December 20, 2006

"As for middle-class women..."

"As for middle-class women, some ardently took up the cause of liberty, such as Mme Roland and Lucile Desmoulins. One of them who had a profound influence on the course of events was Charlotte Corday when she assassinated Marat. There was some feminist agitation. Olympe de Gouges proposed in 1789 a "Declaration of the Rights of Woman," equivalent to the "Declaration of the Rights of Man," in which she asked that all masculine privilege be abolished; but she perishes before long on the scaffold."

The Second Sex Simone de Beauvoir

See also:


I Blame the Patriarchy

The "rules":

1. Go to the nearest book in your reach and turn to page 123.
2. Go to the fifth sentence of the book.
3. Copy the next three sentences... (or 4, if you can't stop at 3)

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