Monday, March 19, 2007

The Earth

Over at Echidne of the Snakes today is a post about the Earth - what Conservapedia has to say about the Earth, that is.

Conservapedia takes issue with "mainstream scientific journals" that "discriminate" against the point of view that the "Earth was formed in 4004 B.C." despite what they see as "large amounts of evidence" that support their creationist viewpoint. To back up their claim - they cite - a group devoted to creating answers that fit with a 4000+ year old understandings of science as described in the Bible (I'm assuming a lot of the Old Testament was written in app. 2000 BCE).

The Conservapedia also argues that the earth is flat, has four corners and has a fixed position. And has Biblical verses that support those claims - ie. "Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm ..." (Psalm 93:1) (For more nuttiness see the Fixed Earth site. Among other things - they claim "The Global Warming Obsession Rests on Acceptance of Billions of Years of Evolutionism" :) ).

Wikipedia may not be perfect (some people like to be critical of the content found there) - but Conservapedia is a joke (and a sad joke at that - since some people take it seriously). For Wikipedia's entry on the Earth, go here.

I wonder what scientifically savvy conservatives think of the creators of the Conservapedia hyjacking the word conservative for their dictionary. The Wackopedia would be more descriptive - and a better take on the word Wikipedia, as well.

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